Gypsy Vanner Stallion - British Sterling


"Sterling" is a 20-year black and white Gypsy Vanner Horse. He is Triple Registered with the Gypsy Vanner Society, Gypsy Horse Registry and Gypsy Cob and Drum Society. He is HOMOZYGOUS for the black and the pinto gene, which means you will get pinto coloring even if your mare is solid color! We ship frozen semen all over the US to a few select approved mares.

- Gypsy mares $2900
- All other mares $2000
We ship frozen semen all over the US to a few select approved mares.

If you are interested in breeding, click here to contact us.

More about Sterling:

Sterling was imported from Kent England in 2004. Sterling is 15.1 hands tall. His feathering and mane are beautiful, thick, and down to his hoofs. Sterling won the high point at the GCDHA 2008 National Show. He has been featured on the cover of another horse calendar in 2015. Sterling also won 4th level class at his last Dressage Show!

Sterling was featured on the covers of multiple magazines over the years, including Equine Journal, Mills Farm Life Journal, and Gypsy Horse Journal.

Sterling was also featured on Equine Elite products! We love their Silky Shine and Shield.

Horse Flicks TV series filmed the Gypsy Vanner TV episode at our farm. You can watch this episode here. We are so honored to be a part of this TV series.